What is a tap? What types of taps are there?

Đăng bởi noidung - 16:35 11/05/2022

What is a tap? What types of taps are there?
In the field of metalworking, the tap is a familiar mechanical tool. What is a tap? How to classify taps? Let’s find the answer in our article below. Cosmovina will surely help you get more useful information.

What is Cape Taro?
Taro tip is simply a type of profile cutter used for thread cutting. It is the most common tool in threading on mechanical products.

Engineers and mechanics will use taps to cut internal or external threads. Depending on the processing purpose, the tap will be used in different ways.

Classification of Cape Taro
Currently, there are many types of taps used in drilling and hole threading. And so there are many different ways of classifying taps. Here are the most common ways to classify taps.

What is the classification based on the machining of the tap?
Based on the applied machining method, taps will be classified into machine taps and hand taps. Their characteristics have specific differences as follows:

Taro nose machine
These are specialized taps for lathes, CNC milling machines and specialized tapping machines. Usually, there is only one tap on the machine. It is usually 3 to 4 times longer than a hand tap. This tip is mounted on the machine by means of a mane or a Sanda. It can also be used on drills with adjustable speed. Because when tapping, the torque is larger than when drilling a lot, so a low speed of about 80-200 rpm must be used. This speed also depends on the hole size, hole depth, drilling material…

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The machine tapping can use either a spiral slotted tap or a straight slot tap. In the case of through hole machining, the tap will roll the workpiece. Then push down to form an opening. When machining closed holes, it will cut and hook, and then bring the excess workpiece to the surface of the product.

Nose Taro Tay
These are the taps used in the manual threading process. When used, it is necessary to combine with a tool called “tapping hand” to insert the tap so that it can be turned by hand. Usually, 1 set of hand taps includes 3 roughs. Smaller type, 1 set has 2 plants, including 1 coarse and 1 fine. Hand taps can be used for closed taps or for hole taps.

The advantage of this type of tap is the fast threading speed. Can be mounted on the running machine in necessary cases. In particular, for good effect on materials that are prone to chips during processing.

Sorting taps by thread pitch
Another very popular classification of taps is by thread pitch. Then we have common sizes like M1.5; M2; M2,5; M3; M4; M5; M6… And grouped into 2 main groups:

The standard Taro tip is a popular type with parameters: M8 x 1,2; M10 x 1.5.
Fine taps are products that are slightly smaller in size than standard taps. Its parameters are M10 x 1.25 and M8x 1.
This classification is often used in tapping machining of mechanical parts. Because the size of the threaded hole and the thread of the mechanical parts are often not the same.

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Classification based on thread
Based on the threads on the tap, they are classified into right-threaded and left-threaded taps. Right taps will be used to create clockwise threads. In contrast, left-hand tapping produces counter-clockwise threads.

For each product, the thread dimensional requirements will be different. You should pay attention to choose the most suitable thread.

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