What is a JIG fixture? Summary of information you need to know about JIG

Đăng bởi noidung - 16:49 11/05/2022

What is a JIG fixture? Summary of information you need to know about JIG
To be able to process tools and mechanical tools perfectly, it is impossible not to mention Jig jigs. So do you know what a Jig fixture is, how it works, and how to use it effectively? Let ‘s find out through the article below of Cosmovina ‘s house !
What is a JIG fixture?
JIG jig – a device, a fixture to fix, that acts as a solid, solid support for the workpiece cutters, CNC cutters, and other industrial product forming machines to work correctly. , in processes such as cutting, welding, assembling, etc. mechanical products. Jig jigs play an important role and also directly affect the product construction results.
What is the role of the JIG fixture?
As the name implies, jig jigs are a necessary item that you should definitely have in a mechanical workshop if you intend to stick with this profession.
Firstly: JIG jigs help to fix the product, ensuring it does not move during construction.
Helps to accurately measure the size, details, measurements, location of the points of the product quickly and conveniently
Improved movements for difficult-to-machine objects, easier rotation to difficult, complex surfaces
Help us save time, speed up the completion of products, complete projects early, save costs.
Helps reduce costs when hiring labor, producing better quality products.
Because it is a machine, it can operate continuously, in large quantities, with high durability, improving productivity and work efficiency.
Is the structure of Jig jigs complicated?
Each type of JIG jig of different brands has many different parts, but most machines have the main components including:

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Part to fix the product
Positioning mechanism
Rotating tools, measuring products, dividing degrees
Thrust mechanism, power transmission
Jig . fixture base and body
There are also instructions on the jig.
Classification of popular jig jigs on the market today
Depending on the characteristics and nature of different jobs, use the appropriate type of Jig jig. Mainly includes 6 main categories which are:

Assembly jigs
As the name implies, this type of Jig jig is used to assemble products and details together to ensure that the product details are all bonded together. This helps products achieve high accuracy and technical factors are always guaranteed.
Assembly jigs are often used for product details with the nature of assembling products together and fixing product details for welding or pressing during product production.
Welding jigs
The type of jigsaw uses mechanical processing and assembly technology to help locate the position of the workpiece relative to other types of tools for welding products.
The main role of the welding jig is to fasten the products at the points that need to be machined and to ensure the accuracy and safety during the jigsaw process.
The type of welding jig has very high accuracy, almost absolute, making it easier and faster to determine the position of the workpieces as well as to weld and cut the product.
The welded points will be fixed in a position to avoid surrounding external forces affecting the production process.
Test fixture
This fixture is often used to check the details of the product to ensure that the product is manufactured in accordance with the original specifications.
The test fixture is used at the final stage to see if the product meets the requirements in terms of size and thickness. And test jigs are considered an important type of jig to help the product acceptance process be faster and more accurate.
Compression jigs
Is a type of jigs used to fix product details when bringing products to weld or assemble them together.
Compression jigs are very simple to use, easy to disassemble and bring about very high efficiency in production.
Compression jigs are divided into many different types, depending on the needs of use, and choose the appropriate type of jig.
Milling jigs
It is a type of jig for processing parts on a milling machine. Milling jigs include locating elements, clamping units, guide units, jig housings, and special elements.
The details of the milling fixture: tool gauge, gauge and guide pin.
Product roughness measuring jigs
This type of fixture is used to measure the roughness of the finished product after it has been machined. This is a type of fixture that can help your unit reduce human effort and production costs, but bring high production productivity.
The above basic information partly helps you better understand what JIG jigs are as well as their role and use in creating quality products. If you have questions and need accurate advice, please contact Cosmovina immediately , we are ready to share your difficulties!

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