Plastic processing on demand in Hanoi

Đăng bởi noidung - 10:33 14/05/2022

Plastic processing on demand in Hanoi
In the mechanical processing industry, people use POM (PolyoxymeMethylene) plastic to produce machine parts for the automotive industry, electronic equipment …
Usually, when it comes to plastic, you will immediately think of household products such as: bowls, chopsticks, plastic cups… However, in mechanical processing, the type of plastic used is completely different. It is a type of engineering plastic called POM (Polyoxymethylene).
POM plastic is processed to become all kinds of plastic parts, accessories, plastic shells, plastic details… to serve the manufacturing industries of automobiles, electrical and electronic equipment….
So what is the difference between POM plastic and ordinary plastic materials? What are the advantages and disadvantages of plastic processing? We invite you to learn with Cosmo Vietnam .
Learn about POM plastic
POM resin has good mechanical properties and rigidity. They are also materials with properties similar to metal materials. Therefore, today, people have used POM to replace other metal materials such as copper, cast zinc, steel, aluminum and some other metal materials.
In addition, POM plastic also has good fatigue resistance and creep resistance. Has good resistance to corrosion, self-lubrication and friction. Withstand in high temperature environment, good mechanical strength and electrical insulation. Can be used at temperatures ranging from -50oC – 110oC.
However, every material has its pros and cons. With POM plastic, their disadvantages are: poor acid resistance, not suitable for use in outdoor environments, especially when exposed to a lot of UV rays. Moreover, applying glue or painting the surface is also very difficult.
Applications of plastic processing products
– In the home appliances industry, plastic processing products are applied to manufacture products such as: rice cooker shells, hot grill shells, hair dryer covers, air conditioner covers, food containers, home tools a kitchen…
Industrial equipment is the products: Plastic pallets, component trays, containers, tool handles of all kinds…
– For the electronics industry, the products are: TV covers, control device covers, keyboards, mice, and other components…
The most popular plastic processing methods today
Plastic injection molding method
Injection molding is considered one of the most popular plastic injection molding technologies today. This product forming molding method consists of two stages, injection (molten plastic) and injection molding, and can quickly press many products at the same time on the mold.
The product created by this method will have the following advantages:
– High accuracy, stable and long-lasting.
– Wide range of products with different sizes and weights.
However, during the processing and manufacturing process, technical staff need to closely monitor to avoid the temperature change in the mold cavity, which will make the product quality not guaranteed.
Plastic extrusion method
Similar to the injection molding method above, the plastic extrusion method is the process where the raw plastic material is melted to create the required shape.
The extrusion method has the following characteristics: The product is shaped in 2 dimensions. Temperature and pressure are the two main factors that make up the accuracy of the product.
When using extrusion method, it will help you save investment costs and still bring high production efficiency thanks to the simple and easy-to-control operation mechanism. Another point is that if the other methods are damaged or defective in the manufacturing process, they must be discarded. But with the extrusion method, the damaged material can be completely reused.
Processing plastic on demand by plastic blow molding method
The plastic blow molding process is also quite simple with 2 main forms of blow molding: blown film and hollow blow molding. Plastic blow molding method has outstanding advantages such as:
– Low production cost.
– Fast product creation cycle helps efficiency, so it can be mass-produced in large quantities.
– Easily shape products without emitting too much scrap in production.

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However, this method also has limitations that are: Can only produce products with thin wall thickness and poor end surface finish.
Above is an article that introduces plastic processing methods as well as learns about engineering plastics used in mechanical processing. In addition, customers can also refer to other techniques in mechanical processing such as: What is plasma processing? or Machining wire cutting .

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