The process of manufacturing conveyor rollers

Đăng bởi noidung - 14:47 24/05/2022

The process of manufacturing conveyor rollers
With the growing industry, the conveyor roller is an indispensable equipment. Each type of roller applied to each type of conveyor will have a different processing and manufacturing process. The following article Cosmo will share with you the process of manufacturing conveyor rollers.
The process of machining and manufacturing rollers
With the roller manufacturing process, it is always necessary to follow certain rules to ensure the quality and durability of the roller. Rollers are manufactured from the inside to the outside, from the thickness, the concentricity,.. All require high precision to help the roller operate well for a long time.
The next step in the roller manufacturing process is the welding of the bearing support. This stage requires careful and sure for the roller to stand firmly during operation.
Finally, for finishing, the roller needs to be polished. Depending on the production and use needs, the roller manufacturing process will have different requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the processes to be able to produce the best roller.
Some requirements when processing and manufacturing conveyor rollers
– Roller cover: The inner and outer sides need to be precisely concentric as well as the shape, and the thickness must not exceed the allowable indicators. Steel pipes need to be polished inside and should not leave burrs. This is the cause of the centrifugal force causing the roller to vibrate strongly as well as easily damaged during operation
– Bearing joint: it is necessary to ensure that the joint is welded evenly at both ends to form a unified block so that the roller can operate with high speed and high load capacity.
– In order for the roller to work stably with a long life, it is necessary to machine the roller very smoothly and accurately before installing the roller on the shaft. This helps the roller operate smoothly, smoothly and without fear of affecting the structure of the entire conveyor.
– Roller surface: Need to ensure a certain gloss
Prestigious processing and manufacturing address for rollers
Owning infrastructure with modern machinery and imported technology, Cosmovina helps bring customers the highest quality roller equipment. The roller processing process meets international standards, so customers can be completely assured of the quality of the product.
Besides supplying and installing conveyor belts , Cosmovina is also a unit of production, manufacturing and trading of mechanical products, precision mechanical processing for domestic and foreign enterprises.
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