Learn about the types of materials used in precision machining

Đăng bởi noidung - 10:54 14/05/2022

Learn about the types of materials used in precision machining
Materials used in the precision mechanical processing industry must ensure factors such as durability, good corrosion resistance and high aesthetics.
Do you know what is the difference between mechanical machining and precision machining? The difference between these two processing operations is in the production technology. If mechanical processing is mainly based on human skill combined with a number of supporting machines. However, the functionality of these machines is not high.
As for precision mechanical processing, the production technology is carried out on a modern, fully automatic machine system with extremely high accuracy. Therefore, businesses today mostly choose this type of service for the manufacture of products such as machine parts, jigs, products for daily life…
And, besides modern production technology, a very important factor that is directly related to the quality of the finished product is the manufacturing material. So, what types of materials are commonly used in the precision machining industry? What technical requirements must these materials meet? To answer the above question, we invite you to read through the following article.
The following are the 4 types of materials commonly used in the mechanical processing industry that are summarized in this article by Cosmo Vietnam .
Iron is a metal that is extracted from iron ore mines. This material is very difficult to find in its free form. Therefore, when wanting to get free iron, one must use a chemical reduction method to remove all impurities inside the material. Today, Iron is mainly used in the production of cast iron and steel.
– Due to the increasing demand for cutting and mechanical processing. So iron accounts for about 95% of the total volume of metal produced in the world today. An advantage of these materials is that they are relatively inexpensive, but have very good bearing capacity, high ductility and hardness. However, this also makes on-demand iron processing difficult to replace. Precision mechanical processing from iron materials is often used in automobile manufacturing, building construction frames, ship hulls, etc.
– Steel is an alloy of iron and their chemical properties have Carbon (less than 2.14%). In addition, there are a number of other elements. Steel is divided into two types: carbon steel and alloy steel.
+ Carbon steel: includes iron, carbon and some impurities such as: Mn, Si, P, …
+ Alloy steel: it includes iron, carbon and impurities such as: W, V, Mo, Ti, Cu, Ta, B, N….
Because steel has many types, they are used in many different fields. Therefore, the demand for precision mechanical processing with steel materials for use in construction, shipbuilding, etc. is increasing day by day.
– Cast iron is an alloy of iron and this material has chemical properties including carbon and some other elements such as: Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ni, Mo, Mg, Cu… . In which, there is a carbon content greater than 2.14%.
– Cast iron is considered to have advantages such as: good castability, low shrinkage, high fluidity and easy to fill in the mold; can withstand strong compressive force, static load capacity and wear resistance very well.
However, this material also has the disadvantage of being brittle and has poor impact resistance.
It is because of the above advantages and disadvantages that people often use cast iron for mechanical processing on demand for machine parts with complex shapes such as: machine shafts, machine shells, gears, gears, bearings. slide, roll shaft,…
– Cast iron is divided into 2 types: white cast iron and graphite cast iron. Each type has its own unique composition and properties.
stainless steel
Stainless steel is also known as stainless steel. This is an alloy of iron. In which, the chemical composition has at least 10.5% Chromium. Stainless steel is considered to be less susceptible to discoloration and corrosion than ordinary steels.
In addition to the advantage of being durable, Inox is also stainless and can withstand temperatures of about 12000 degrees Celsius, cold resistance is also very good and especially easy processing.
Stainless steel is widely used in life from simple household appliances to complex interior architecture. Today, stainless steel CNC cutting is used by many businesses to make the most perfect products.

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