What is the difference between forward milling and reverse milling?

Đăng bởi noidung - 16:16 11/05/2022

What is the difference between forward milling and reverse milling?
As the title of the article, the main content of this article will go into 2 main contents of the mechanical milling method. That is to analyze the difference of forward milling and reverse milling through advantages, disadvantages and practical applications.
So what is milling? Why is it called the milling method?
Milling concept
Main milling is a chip cutting machining method. The Milling method will have two shaping movements.
First (main) forming movement: the milling cutter rotates.
The second forming movement (toolpath): the part moves in 3 directions.
The translational motion can be independent of each direction or combined.
What is forward milling?
1. Concepts
Forward Milling is a Milling process where the tool rotation and the table feed are in the same direction.
2. Advantages
The depth of cut is gradually reduced thereby improving roughness and no slippage.
Can prolong the life, the durability of the knife up to 50%.
The cutting force is always on the part, so it is easier and cheaper to process the jigs.
The cutting heat is relatively low and tends to decrease gradually.

Strong impact when cutting due to cutting thickness from thick to thin, easy to chip, low machine life.
Machining is good when the machine has good decontamination and the table wedge is tightened
Difficult to process hard shell mechanical parts: hot rolled steel….
4. Application
Often used for finishing milling because of its improved roughness, high productivity, especially when milling with small residuals

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What is reverse milling?
1. Concepts
Reverse Milling is a Milling process where the tool rotation direction and the table feed direction are in opposite directions.

2. Advantages
Rough processing achieves high productivity
Difficulty chipping knives due to cutting details from thin to thick
It is most widely used for old machines because it can eliminate the dirt of the machine.
3. Cons
The cutting force component always tends to pull the part up, so the clamping force is large
Chips can be caught between the tooth and the work piece surface, interfering with cutting.
There is slippage when the feed amount is small
Less impact and quieter engine.
4. Application
Usually used mainly for rough milling.

Above are the concepts as well as advantages and disadvantages, applications of each type of milling. Depending on the job, the customer chooses the appropriate type of milling to achieve high efficiency in work.

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