Summary of basic mechanical processing techniques

Đăng bởi noidung - 10:01 14/05/2022

Summary of basic mechanical processing techniques
A finished product always has to go through many stages, many techniques with different types of machines. Surely you know that mechanical engineering always produces products with almost absolute accuracy. This article Cosmovina will help you better understand the most basic mechanical machining techniques.
Mechanical processing methods
Nowadays, people use a lot of machines as well as processes to create a perfect product down to every machine part. And there are two most popular mechanical processing techniques today, which are machining by the blanking method and the cutting machining method.
Machining and cutting methods
This method is also known as workpiece machining. It includes all methods such as turning, milling, planing, drilling, etc. This is considered an important technological process in the mechanical industry.
The products of this method are always born with standard shapes and sizes to every detail, smoothness and very high accuracy.
Workpiece-free machining method
This method includes casting, hot forging, cold stamping, etc.
For the products of this method, also known as the creation of products, they are almost only the initial shaping mold, still rudimentary and the smoothness is not high.
In addition, besides these two basic machining methods, today there are also many new and modern mechanical processing methods. For example, spark processing, laser processing, etc. However, these methods have not been widely used in factories because of technical limitations and high costs.
Common forms of mechanical processing techniques
In order to classify the forms of mechanical engineering, it is necessary to determine how much the needle is cut? What is the amount of metal cut from the work piece or the smoothness of the part surface after machining that determines the form of the machining technique? And the main forms in mechanical engineering:
Rough machining
Roughing is a form of blanking, the basic shape for the required product.
The products and details when being roughed do not have high requirements for smoothness and accuracy. Although it is rough processing, the resulting product always meets the requirements of smoothness and accuracy.
There are many products that need to go through initial machining steps before going into roughing. However, this case is due to too much residual processing material.
Crystal processing
This is considered a later stage of roughing and has very high requirements for smoothness and precision
Finishing material residues are relatively thin and finishing tools must always be carefully protected.
Smooth processing
Products of smooth machining always have the highest requirements in terms of smoothness and accuracy.
Smoothing is a later stage of finishing, cutting only a very thin part of the material
Smooth machining is almost considered a machining with high requirements for product details in terms of smoothness and accuracy. However, there are a few special cases where more detailed and meticulous machining parts need to be added to the superfine machining stage.
Some tools used in mechanical engineering
The tools used in mechanical engineering are always tools with high hardness and are very diverse such as turning tools, milling cutters, drill bits, … and specialized tools.
Tools used in mechanical processing have higher rigidity than machined parts. Machining details when installed on machines such as lathes, milling machines, etc. create mechanical details, manufacture and repair machines.
Basic mechanical processing techniques have been shared by Cosmo Vietnam in the above article. To learn all about mechanical processing, contact us. We will always share and bring what you need!

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