Specializes in installing quality prestigious date printing conveyors

Đăng bởi noidung - 11:03 25/05/2022

Specializes in installing quality prestigious date printing conveyors
Indate conveyor is a product line used in the process of printing dates on products and goods to know the time of export and expiration date, .. The application when using this product is to automate the production of the indate stage. and bring high efficiency to the production process.
Structure of conveyor belt Update
Indate conveyor products are designed with a profiled aluminum frame, blue PVC tape and side walls to keep the product on track.
Depending on the needs of the customer, the indate conveyor will be designed and installed differently. However, an Indate conveyor system usually includes the following parts:
– Conveyor frame NDH 30×60
– PVC blet cord, blue, 2mm thick
– Engine control cabinet
– D60 jack foot
– 60W/220V motor — ZD
Depending on the production area, Cosmovina will offer optimal solutions for you.
Working principle of date printing conveyor
– The motor system transmits force to the rotating shaft to make the conveyor move in a fixed circle
– The navigation bars on the conveyor system help the product move along a fixed axis
– Through the product sensor, the product can be identified and the date printed on the product or for other devices to recognize.
– Products will be printed according to the exact date of manufacture, expiry date, logo and barcode
Conveyor Belt Application- Indate Conveyor System
– Date printed conveyors help transport products on a fixed axis and in a certain trajectory
– Save time and costs for shipping products
– Some conveyors also have the function of separating packaging and labels of products.
– Help close the date, print the limited production date and use it in the right place and quickly
– Make product counting accurate and easy.
Specializes in the installation of prestigious quality indate conveyors
Currently on the market there are many different types of conveyor belts as well as different conveyor suppliers. Because of the popularity of Indate conveyors, it is not difficult to install this conveyor system. However, come to Cosmovina to be able to choose for yourself reputable and quality date printing conveyor equipment.
Currently, Cosmovina is a unit specializing in supplying all kinds of conveyor belts nationwide. Our products are trusted by more businesses such as:
– Samsung Electronics Vietnam factory complex (SEV, SEVT, SEMV, SDV, SDIV, …).
– Daikin factory in Japan.
– Samsung satellite companies (Bujeon, Elentec, Seojin, Hanabi,…).
In addition to the date conveyor, customers can refer to other types of conveyor belts such as: Plastic chain conveyors , Food conveyors , Drying conveyors , Tilt conveyors , PVC conveyors , Multi-level conveyors .
Contact us immediately for advice on the most suitable conveyor product.
Address: No. 6, An Sinh Street, Co Nhue 1 Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi City.
Phone: – Hotline: 0932.488.998
Fanpage: www.facebook.com/xuonggiacongcokhiHaNoivn
Website: www.cosmovina.com
Email: marketing.cosmovina@gmail.com

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