Learn about rubber conveyor belts and industrial applications

Đăng bởi noidung - 14:37 25/05/2022

Learn about rubber conveyor belts and industrial applications
Rubber conveyor belts are the lowest cost type of conveyor systems for material handling. Considered an important part of the conveying line, and at the same time the place in contact with the material for transmission.

Conveyor belt is a machine that helps to continuously transport all kinds of materials, products, etc. And can transport large distances. One of the most commonly used conveyor belts in construction companies, construction material production enterprises, and manufacturing is the rubber conveyor belt .

So what features and advantages does this type of conveyor have? Let’s find out through the article below.
Learn about rubber conveyor belts

Rubber conveyor belts are flexible structure suitable for many terrains in the factory. Thanks to the design with a suitable slope, it is possible to transport a variety of goods such as: crates, rice bags, etc. When the transportation is up to a certain height, it is still possible to ensure the safety of the product. .

In addition, there are also some advantages such as:

– High strength, bearing capacity, great heat.

Works well even in harsh environments: chemicals, high humidity.

– Reduces power consumption due to its great toughness, lightness, so it increases the pulling power of the motor.

– Conveyor frame: Aluminum profile, powder coated steel.

– Conveyor belt has the ability to reverse and change speed during operation.
Types of rubber conveyor belts on the market today

– Trough rubber conveyor belt

– Lifting and lowering rubber conveyor belts

– Flat rubber conveyor belt

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– V ribbed rubber conveyor belt

– Heat resistant rubber conveyor belt

-PVC rubber conveyor belt

– Steel core rubber conveyor belt
Application of rubber conveyor belts in industry

With advantages such as high durability, abrasion resistance (glass chips, cement, gravel), impact resistance (coal, ore), low elasticity, suitable for all terrain and temperature conditions. (-5 degrees C to +40 degrees C), so rubber conveyor belts are applied in many industries and fields, such as:

– Transporting bulk materials or finished articles (bins, boxes or sacks) horizontally or tilted in factories and workshops.

– Transporting, loading and unloading goods in factories, warehouses, or loading goods onto trucks, containers, etc.

– Transporting all kinds of bags such as sandbags, cement in construction.

– Transporting raw materials in mining, minerals.

Transporting products and goods in the food processing industry such as confectionery, dried fruits and vegetables, etc.

Above is an article about rubber conveyor belts and industrial applications. If you have any product needs, please contact us with the information below for support.

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